Thursday, July 15, 2010


Its always difficult to create a habit (I mean the good ones ;) ). However the most difficult part is the initial few days...coz inadvertently, your limbs ache, your thighs scream respite and its too difficult to leave out the early morning blues behind...On top of that, when I woke up today morning, it was pouring rains outside- so I was like 'Am I already seeing this new routine of mine squashed??'

Thankfully the skies cleared in a while and my mum made sure that I dint remain slumped in the off I was with the minimalist swimming gear that I need (I am yet to buy the swimming goggles yet)

Today's sessions lasted around 45 minutes and man- did I work out??

Today's stats-
Freestyle/Crawl- 10 laps
Backstroke- 1 lap
Breaststroke- 2 laps
Butterfly stroke- 1.5 lap
Underwater- 2 laps

Also gave swimming lessons to a 20-something guy who dint feel like coming out of the inflatable tube even in 2 feet depth 8-|

Tried the tumble-turn and crawl also...was partially successful with it...need to understand the mechanism better...

Signing off for today,

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