Sunday, July 18, 2010


Had one of the longest swimming sessions in the recent memory..

Session details-
Freestyle/Crawl- 20 Laps
Butterfly- 2 Laps
Backstroke- 2 Laps
Breaststroke- 2 Laps

Met with a delightful old guy (65ish) who is regular to swimming even thou arthiritis in his limbs does not allow him to swim so much... but the guy was so full of life that it was inspirational to say the least...wonder if I would still be swimming when I am his age...

Was just idling in the waters, when this lady Dr. came across....Turned out she counsels on Physiotherapeutic exercises in water....Gave me ample amount of exercises to dispel all notions of my being fit at least while in the swimming pool...Each of my muscles were aching by the time I finished my routine..had been in pool for close to 2.5 hours today :) No wonder- ppl back at home were concerned by the time I reached there..

An ideal weekend swimming session :)


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