Friday, July 5, 2019

Swimming journey

I have come some distance wrt swimming, but hopefully there's still a long way to go 🤞

I guess the biggest fillip to my swimming was taking up triathlons. I started thinking about triathlons back in 2014 after I had completed my first full marathon. It was a good set of circumstances that brought me to triathlons. I was exposed to biking in Mumbai by a couple of like-minded friends, and once I could come back to biking, swimming was relatively easier (given swimming in a pool is definitely less riskier than biking on the crazy Mumbai streets).

I ended up finishing my first Olympic distance triathlon in Pune in 2015 (?) where I struggled on the bike and run but managed to complete the event successfully.

Next- when I moved to Ireland, it was relatively easier to swim as we were fortunate to have a swimming pool on our office. It was in Ireland that I got to see how bad I was at swimming esp. on the technical front. With some endurance build up and a lot of tips (online and friends), I was able to complete 1 Sprint, 3 Olympic distance and 2 Half IM distance races between 2016-2018.

I am hoping to cap this journey in 2019 with a 4K swim in Glendalough on 08-Sep. Really looking forward to be over-prepared vs. under-prepared and would love to have a respectable time in the process.

Certa Bonum Certa Men! Fight the good fight 💪🏻

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